Kate Rafael of KPFA Women’s Magazine interviews Arlene Eisen, the principal author of Operation Ghetto Storm.

Click here to listen to the interview.

Click here to listen to the interview.
“Invariably what the families say is ‘Why?’ ”
What initially triggered these deadly encounters, how did they start?
“Nineteen per cent of these killings began with calls to 9-1-1….”
“There’s a high percentage–more than a quarter of these people die after –usually a woman– calls 9-1-1 for help with an emotionally disturbed child or because of domestic abuse. As mothers and people trying to deal with violence in our households…we are on our own pretty much.”
![]() Francis had a diagnosed mental illness. When her family called for medical assistance, the police arrived, further upset her and in the process of “subduing her”, beat her, held her face down on the bed, and suffocated her.
![]() His family allegedly called 911. Stephon Watts was a 15 year old child with Aspergers Syndrome. Police reported that he lashed out with a kitchen knife. His mother said he had a small harmless pen knife. The police department had been called to this house many times before and had experience in dealing with this emotionally disturbed child.